Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Starting to cool off

I am laying here in my bed looking out the window at a really exciting thunderstorm. It is pretty nice being outside and watching the rain hit the windows rather than my face as it did when I was walking home. After all the warnings about the hot weather in Russia, it looks like winter is coming early. It is already colder here than it ever gets at Stanford and I can only see the temperature going down.

Before I came to Russia, I was afraid that the food was going to be terrible. I imagined beets, boiled potatoes, and vodka. It's not like that would have been a terrible diet, but it definitely wouldn't have been my favorite. Cabbage seems to be a favorite here. I'm a huge fan of cabbage, so when I get cabbage soup for dinner followed by cole slaw and mashed potatoes, I'm really happy. Also, after every meal we have tea and chocolate. It's delicious.

I'm catching on to the language, but it's taking some time. Quick lesson:
In Russian, B=V, backwards N=ee and lowercase g=d. So you can see why I've been having trouble. We have learned the whole alphabet and about 100 words in the last two days. My brain is fried by the end of the day, but I'm making progress. I'm really excited when I'll be able to communicate with everyone so I know all the work is worth it.

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