Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ads and Starbucks

Today I had my "interview" for my internship at Medci Medical (formerly American Medical Center). I start on Monday, and though I'm not 100% sure what I'll be doing, I know they are trying to get accredited by some agency and I'm helping to review the changes that need to happen.

While on the Metro, we saw some very interesting advertisements. One was for a toilet bowl cleaner that had a very odd contest/loyalty program. If you collected the seven different pathogens from the labels of the cleaners, one could win a prize, one of them being health insurance for the winner and his or her family. Maybe after cleaning that many toilets, one really should have health insurance to deal with the cancer from all the chemicals from the toilet bowl cleaner. Another advertisement was for a toilet that you could put wherever you desired in your apartment (seeing a theme here?). I believe it is movable so you can put it anywhere your heart desires- your living room, your bedroom, the kitchen, or even in the hallway. It seems like a very strange idea. It made me remember that episode of the Simpsons when the Hurricane comes through and destroys Flanders' house and when the town rebuilds the house, the toilet ends up in the kitchen. (Here is a youtube clip that is pretty terrible, but you can see which episode it is: ). When it was on that episode, it was clearly a joke, but apparently, someone in Russia must have seen the episode and thought it was a great idea. I'd love to go to someone's house and see a random toilet in the living room. Haha. Besides the random toilet ads, there was an ad for what I thought was Twilight, but apparently was a completely different movie with a very similar cover just playing on Twilight's popularity. I'm putting the picture here so you can see what I mean. Doesn't it look awfully similar? I'm sure I will see a bunch more weird ads, so I will definitely try to take pictures when I see them.

After my interview, Nastia and I went to Starbucks to see how it compared to the Starbucks in the US. I knew that ordering an iced chai would be difficult since the word "chai" in Russian (written чай) means tea, so ordering a chai chai would be very confusing. Thankfully, I managed to order what I wanted (a venti iced chai - I didn't want to get too confusing by trying to say how I really liked it) and the cashier even spoke a little English when she realized I couldn't speak Russian and she even smiled (a rarity in this country). It tasted almost exactly the same, but it cost $8 - twice what it costs at home. It was almost work it though.

When we finished our overpriced but delicious drinks at Starbucks, we met the other people on the metro and went over to an art exhibition. Most of the artwork was photos, but there was a weird section that was very Andy Warhol-esque that focused mostly on Campbell's Soup. They had vegetables and some Astroturf and golf clubs, so naturally I had to practice my mini golf skills with a potato. I could have tried it with an onion, but I thought the potato wouldn't roll all over the room if I hit it too hard.

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