Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Preparations and Delays

After I decided to apply to the Stanford in Moscow program, I knew that I was in for a completely new experience. I've spent the last few months trying to prepare for four months in a country that I knew almost nothing about, could not speak the language, and had never traveled to. Figuring I could learn the Russian language once I got there for the intensive language program, I spent little time this summer doing anything but working and hanging out with friends.

When I heard about the wildfires in Russia this summer, I wasn't too worried because I am always hearing about wildfires in Oregon and California and they've never affected my plans for anything, except maybe choosing places to go camping. So when I heard this Monday that we were going to have to delay our arrival by three weeks, I didn't know what to do. Naturally, I procrastinated in buying a new ticket (but I did buy travel insurance!) and this morning, we were told that we could go ahead with our original plans to arrive. So, I'm not out any extra money, but I do have to pack up my life for four months into a couple suitcases over the course of the next day and a half.

We are having a going-away barbecue tonight, which will be great with the awesome weather we are having here on the coast. It'll be a perfect sendoff for my four crazy months abroad.

I'd better start packing for everything! I'll update again when I get the chance!

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