Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leaving On a Jet Plane (hopefully...)

I finally got everything packed into two suitcases (one less than I thought I was going to need!) and now I'm anxiously waiting until 3am when I have to get up to leave. My flight out of Newport is supposed to leave at 4:45, but they called me a few hours ago and said it might be delayed because of fog. If it is delayed, we'll probably have to drive up to Portland to make sure I don't miss my flight out of Portland. I've been a little anxious the last few days because of all the packing I hadn't done and realizing how I might be crazy for going a place where I'll be lucky if I can communicate with anyone. Thankfully, I got a Russian-English dictionary as a gift yesterday so I'll be able to look up an English word and maybe point to it so someone else will understand. I haven't mastered (or even really looked at) the entire Cyrillic alphabet, so I won't be sounding things out quite yet. My goal was to have it learned by last night, but I got distracted with all the perfect barbecue food: bbq chicken and steak, homemade potato salad, stuffed shells, pasta salad, fresh green salad, raspberry lemonade (fresh squeezed and delicious!), blackberry cobbler, fruit salad, and a million other things I'll miss while I'm in Russia.

Even though there are the scary parts of traveling to Russia, there are parts I'm really looking forward to. I am really excited for arriving in the Moscow airport because someone will be waiting for me with a sign with my name on it. Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted one of those signs to be for me. Now I get to fulfill my dorky childhood dream. Also, I'm flying on Singapore Airlines from Houston to Moscow, and I've heard nothing but good reviews. Free food, free drinks, and real service! That's something I haven't seen on a major airline in....well, ever. That'll be fun.

For now, I should make good use of the three hours I have left at home and take a quick nap before leaving for the airport. спокойной ночи (good night!...I think)

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